What we do
- Queer Base offers all-round advice on legal issues, coming out, accommodation, violence prevention and preventative medicine.
- Queer Base works together with various asylum and healthcare facilities in Vienna to provide specific support and assistance to LGBTIQ refugees. These include the AKH Wien [Vienna General Hospital] (psychiatry, trans clinic), Hemayat (therapy), Diakonie Lares, Tralalobe and Caritas Asylum Centre (accommodation), Jugendcollege and Bildungsdrehscheibe (education and training), AIDS-Hilfe Wien [Vienna AIDS Assistance] (preventative medicine)
- Queer Base provides lectures and training opportunities for those who work or volunteer with asylum seekers
- Queer Base organises leisure activities, swimming courses, German clases, a buddy programme, a drawing and painting course, basketball training
- Queer Base networks LGBTIQ with foreign languages or who can interpret in order to meet specific translation/interpretation needs
- Queer Base provides spaces for intersectional approaches to notions like sexualities, gender, morality, stigma and arrival in Austria
Wirst du aufgrund deiner Sexualität oder deiner Geschlechtsidentität in deinem Herkunftsland verfolgt oder diskriminiert? Weitere Infos…
اذا كنت ملاحق او تمت محاكمتك او تم تمييزك في بلدك بسسب ميولك الجنسية(المتحولات و المتحولين جنسيا و مزدوجي الأعضاء التناسلية/ ثنائي الجنس) اتصل بنا نحن هنا لمساعدتك
لمعلومات اضافية
Faites-vous l’objet de poursuite ou de discrimination dans votre pays d’origine à cause de votre sexualité ou de votre identité de genre? Plus d’infos…
آیا به دلیل گرایش جنسی یا هویت جنسیتان در وطن خود مورد تعقیب قانونی یا تبعیض واقع شده اید؟
برای اطلاعات بیشتر
Are you persecuted in your country of origin or discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? More Infos…
Cinselliğin yada cisiyet kimliğinden dolayı ülkende ayrımcılık gördün mü, yada bundan dolayı takibata uğradın mı? Link:
Tu li welatê xwe ji ber berêxwedayîna zayendî yan jî nasname xwe ya zayendî, tê şopandin û dijmintîyê dijî? Link:
Были ли Вы подвергнуты в Вашей стране происхождения физическому или психологическому насилию или дискриминации из-за вашей сексуальной ориентации или вашей гендерной идентичности? Link:
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